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Get Involved

We are so happy to see you want to get involved! Read on to learn more about the different ways to do so.

Audition for a Show

All of our shows have open auditions. This means that anyone can audition, whether you are a student or not. We are happy to see people audition from all ages and backgrounds. Follow us on social media or join or mailing list to receive a notification when we hold auditions. We will soon be auditioning for a lot of our shows as part of Paradok Platform during Fringe.

Production Team

Do you want to direct, produce, do tech or work backstage on one of our productions? That is fantastic! We are always looking for more production team members.

There are multiple ways to get on a prod team. The easiest one is to follow us on social media and join our members group on Facebook and wait for a call for production team members or assistants. These usually happen towards the end or beginning of a semester. If you see a show you would be eager to work on, you can also just contact the committee or the production team if you want to take part. The final option is to propose a show yourself. Read on for more information on that.

Proposing a Show

Do you have an idea for a show or performance? Propose it to put it on with us! We have at least one moment per semester where you can propose a show. The next one is our General Meeting at the start of semester 1 where we will be determining our shows for semester 1.  Look at the page on proposing for more information. We are very happy to hear your ideas, so do get in touch, even before you actually propose!


We usually organise a number of workshops every semester. Follow us or join our mailing list to be notified as soon as there is a new one. We usually also announce them on the home page of this website. This semester we are also doing an Intro to Acting course. Find out more here.

Buy membership

If you want to perform in a show, take part in the courses, be on a production team or propose a show, you have to buy membership. Do not worry, you can still audition and attend some of our workshops without being a member. You can buy membership on our EUSA profile.