Theatre Paradok presents: “Blueballs” written by Iris Supple-Still.
A bedroom. Two young adults. Just married. They don’t know each other and – ceremony and piss-up over – are alone for the first time. He, a hedonistic rich boy; charismatic, self-destructive, on his 4th arranged wedding in so many years. She, reserved, quick-witted and sharp; on her guard. As their encounter unfolds, an intriguing chemistry between them turns dark as terrible truths begin to emerge. A version of the famous tale Bluebeard for our generation, Blueballs is a thrilling investigation of power, consent, and what it means to be young. A 30-minute tequila-shot of theatre in free verse.
4th August 2022
5th August 2022
Tickets are listed on the Edinburgh Fringe website under ‘Paradok Platform’ rather than ‘Blueballs’. Click Here to view all Paradok Platform shows.
Bride – Ellie Kilburn
Groom – Kasper Hilton-Hille
Writer/director – Iris Supple-Still
Set/costume designer – Matilda Bull
Lighting designer – Caitlin Welsh
Sound designer – Nico Larivosecchi
Graphic designer – Rosie Galleway