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Home Events - Theatre Paradok General Meeting Theatre Paradok’s Start of Semester 1 General Meeting


Oct 02 2021


14:00 - 15:00

Theatre Paradok’s Start of Semester 1 General Meeting

Welcome to Theatre Paradok’s first general meeting of the year! This is where we discuss proposals for performances, elect new committee members, and discuss the course of the company for the year. This meeting will be on Zoom, to avoid having to worry about room capacities and covid restrictions. The link to join will be commented on the day.


If you want to propose a show, please check out this document: and this form:

Please get in touch if you need advice or want to discuss your proposal! We love to hear from you. No experience in Edinburgh’s theatre scene necessary. We can help you and match you with more experienced people. We are just looking for enthusiasm!


Additionally, we are looking to elect a Fundraising Coordinator and a few Ordinary Members for our committee. Please come along with a brief pitch about why you would be good for the role, and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions! These are the role descriptions from the constitution:

The Fundraising Coordinator will assist the Producers in organising fundraisers for their shows. They will also work closely with the Producers and Treasurer to set and reach a fundraising target and will work together with the Social Secretary when organising fundraisers for the society.

The Ordinary Members are elected to assist the committee with their duties and/or to function as a bridge between the committee and the wider membership. They are encouraged to take up one or more of the support roles (which you can find in the constitution below)


We will also be discussing a small amendment to the constitution, which you can find here:

The amendments are the suggestions in green. If you want to suggest your own amendments, please get in touch with Mick Zijdel or the committee in general.


You will also have to buy membership before coming to the GM. You cannot vote and discuss at the GM without being a member. You can do so at We will check this before admitting you to the meeting for the GM. Please message us if you have any issues buying membership.


Let us know if you have any questions and comments! We hope to see you there!