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Home Events - Theatre Paradok Fringe Shows Hamlet: The Play The Panto The Musical


Aug 25 - 28 2022


17:00 - 18:00

Hamlet: The Play The Panto The Musical

Theatre Paradok presents: “Hamlet: The Play The Panto The Musical” written by Hannah McGregor.

Boy meets Girl, Boy meets Dead Dad Ghost, Boy plans Dead Dad Ghost revenge on Step-Father… it’s the story we all know and love! In this one-hour musical romp, we are guided through the story of Hamlet by our narrator Horatio, where we meet Dame Claudius, the annoyed Ophelia, and a carousel of characters, ghosts, and even some confused stragglers from some of Shakespeare’s other works… Join us for an unashamedly ridiculous retelling, complete with original songs performed by a talented troupe of actors.

*Content Warning: Contains Strong Language*


25th August 2022
26th August 2022
27th August 2022
28th August 2022
Tickets are listed on the Edinburgh Fringe website under ‘Paradok Platform’ rather than ‘Hamlet: The Play The Panto The Musical’. Click Here to view all Paradok Platform shows.


Hamlet – Lizzie Baldwin
Horacio – Jay Brown
Claudius – Rorke Wilson
Gertrude – Jess Ferrier
Ophelia – Edie Gillett
Polonius & Others – Mia Clayton
Ghost & Others – Marni Robertson


Producer – Lew Forman
Choreographer – Izzy Ponsford
Co Director/Assistant Choreographer – Sofia Pricolo
Co Director/Writer – Hannah McGregor
Co Musical Director – Giulia Lovrecich
Co Musical Director – Falk Meier
Music & Lyrics by: Hannah McGregor, Falk Meier, Giulia Lovrecich, Sofia Pricolo